Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Path, Direction, and Faith. Part VI

Appreciating and truly incorporating into yourself the growth of your business is as hard as appreciating and truly incorporating into yourself the growth of your own body.  Who wants to incorporate baldness?  Meh.  But now we're finally back to page one, back to religious alignment.  If you never truly incorporate your growth into your direction, your direction becomes completely unsustainable.

We birth children.  We teach our children.  We learn from our children. 

We birth businesses.  We teach our businesses.  We learn from our businesses.

And the hardest part is taking the growth in stride, is making it truly your own.  This isn't hot air.  It's easy enough to play along with change.  But playing along isn't good enough.  You must embrace growth, and you must be genuine about it.  If your business grows and you fail to adapt, you will strangle it.  If you fake adaptation, you give up leadership and find that you are merely following someone else's path.

Or you're following nobody's path at all.

We have arrived once again at the notion of faith.  It is relatively easy for many of us to deny that we have faith in religious orthodoxy.  It is easy to say "no".  But it is far more difficult to find something to which we say "yes".  To destroy takes seconds.  To build takes a lifetime.  The worthwhile challenge is to have faith in ourselves and in the business path we choose.  

Maybe after enough years of practice, after being stubborn and after compromising, after being afraid and after being a headstrong pig, after drowning in the directions of others and after squelching the direction of others with our own, after serving others and after serving ourselves and sometimes after serving nobody at all, there is symbiosis.  There is interdependence.  There is growth in the parent and growth in the child and there is nobody to say which is which.  

And so much there is for Path, Direction and Faith.

Anybody know how to fix the walk-in cooler?

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